Sunday, September 29, 2013

Chorizo with Pasta, Mushrooms and Tomatoes

M had to go to work the night we served this so I wanted something pretty quick and easy to make so he could eat and get to work.  I found this recipe and decided to try it.  We altered it a bit but it turned out really well & there weren't any left overs!  B wanted chicken tenders with hers - I think the Chorizo was just a little too spicy for her.  But, all in all, this is a great weeknight meal!

3/4 box of rigatoni (any pasta works)
1 pkg chorizo
3/4 pkg baby bella mushrooms
1- 8 oz can diced tomatoes (I used the ones with basil & oregano)
Fresh grated Parmesan cheese

For the sauce (Michael made this up to add to what we already had):
1-2 tsp flour
1 tsp light cream
1 tsp skim milk

Put a few tablespoons of water in a large skillet.  Add chorizo over medium high heat and cover.  Cook for about 10-12 minutes, turning chorizo a couple of times.  Take cover off pan & continue to cook chorizo for another 5-7 minutes.  Remove from pan and put on paper towels to absorb some of the grease.  Cut into bite size pieces and set aside

Boil pasta according to package instructions & drain

In a small pan, add some butter / margarine and saute the mushrooms until done

In a small bowl or cup, add flour, cream and milk and whisk to combine.

In the pan you cooked the chorizo, add tomatoes (along with the juice from the can), add in flour mixture and stir to combine.  Add in chorizo and mushrooms.

Combine pasta and chorizo mixture.  Top with a little fresh grated Parmesan cheese.


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