Sunday, September 29, 2013

Baked Couscous Poppers

I made some couscous during the week to go with dinner.  We had a ton of left over and I was looking for a creative way to use it (instead of just serving it as a side again).  I found this recipe and decided to give it a try.  I loved them and thought they'd be a fun / different appetizer or a nice side to a meal.  B didn't like them as much as I thought she would...but maybe it was just a mood she was in.
I eye-balled the recipe and only added 1 egg based on the amount of couscous I was using.  You'll be able to tell the consistency you need to get the ingredients to form a ball.  

2 cups left over (cooled) couscous
1 egg
3/4 - 1 cup breadcrumbs (I used a mix of Panko and Whole Wheat Italian breadcrumbs)
Spices of your choice (I used Old Bay - my "go to" spice)
Shredded Cheddar cheese

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F
In a medium bowl, mix together couscous, egg, spices , 1/2 of the breadcrumbs and cheese
Put the remaining breadcrumbs in a separate bowl
Form balls with the couscous mixture then roll in the extra breadcrumbs.  They won't be firm but they will hold together when they bake
Place on a baking sheet that has been lightly sprayed with Pam
Put in oven and bake for about 30 minutes or until the balls are golden


1 comment:

  1. I am going to try this recipe only I have overcooked the couscous so its a bit gluey i guess but will make to your recipe and a dipping sauce to go with it... Fingers x'd they turn out o.k. Ree
