Sunday, November 18, 2012

Costco Marinated Rack of Pork

I won't take credit for any of the rub on this pork but it's really good!  It's stuffed with shallots and garlic too - just adding to it's amazing flavor!  I bought it at Costco and made it for friends on Friday night.  We had 10 people over and still had left overs!  I'm not sure how long Costco will have these but they are definitely guest worthy and serve the masses!  If I were going to be cooking Thanksgiving, I'd give this serious consideration over the traditional turkey!
The cooking method was shared by a friend that made this for me and B last weekend (we had to have it again - that's how good it is!).  It's one of those easy - pop it in the oven & let it go type of meals!
If you can't find a pre-marinated one, try drizzling the pork with olive oil and Montreal steak spice.

Ready for the oven on it's bed of veggies

Resting after cooking

Ingredients (for already pre-marinated pork):
1 onion, rough chopped
Several carrots, chopped
4-5 celery sticks, chopped
1/2 - 1 cup water

Preheat oven to 425
Bring pork out and get to room temperature
Place veggies in bottom of roasting pan and add 1/2- 1 cup of water (depending on how big pan is).  Place pork on top of veggies (fat side up) & roast for 10-15 minutes - until slightly golden.
Back temperature down to 325 and cook for 2 hours.  I roasted mine in a darker pan so the cook time was a little faster.

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