Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Berry "Flag" Appetizer

I saw this on Pinterest (many times) and thought it'd be a fun item to bring to a friend's 4th of July party.  The "white" was supposed to be bananas but B doesn't like them.  So, we subbed marshmallows and it was a big hit!  These are easy to make & a crowd pleaser!

Wooden skewers
Strawberries, washed, trimmed and cut in half
Blueberries, washed
Large marshmallows, cut in half

Begin with the blueberries and "string" several at the top of a skewer (we did 6 or 7)
Next, gently push 1 marshmallow to the bottom of the blueberries; then add a strawberry.  Continue with the marshmallows & strawberries until the skewer is full.
Make 5 total skewers with the blueberries; marshmallows and strawberries.
Then make skewers with just marshmallows and strawberries until your serving dish is full
Chill & serve when ready

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